The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session

How Far Can You Grow?

How far you grow is truly up to you. Whether you’re interested in personal or professional growth, learning the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth will rapidly accelerate growth in all aspects of your life.

Anyone looking to answer their call to lead or add value to their life by making a difference in the lives of others will know the name John C. Maxwell. Maxwell has spent over 40 years inspiring positive life transformation and helping others achieve their highest vision and goals, both personally and professionally, through his philosophy that “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”

You may have realized by now that growth isn’t automatic. It takes work. You must be an active participant in achieving your growth. If you’re ready to see how far you can go, you must learn to embrace change and let go of that which is holding you back.

If you’re interested in learning more about the process of growth and the techniques needed to unlock your full potential, join me for my next webinar, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session, on Tuesday, November 28th at 10:00 am AEDT.

Learn The Laws of Growth

As a Maxwell Leadership member, I am thrilled to provide you a glimpse into the concepts of The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth during this experience.

Just in case we have not met, my name is Ivan Ang.
When you spend years growing a financial planning practice and managing the wealth for high net-worth families, you have worked with some of the most successful people from many different walks of life. But as a successful financial planner, Ivan Ang walked away from his boutique wealth advisory practice. Why? Because those people, whose money he was helping to grow, all still had one major challenge in common. They didn't want to just spend a lifetime working and not being able to enjoy living life until they were old and retired. Have you ever felt that way?

Research shows that the happiest executives all have great work-life balance. The COVID pandemic has only heightened this need. Ivan discovered that work-life balance is possible when you develop a personalised hybrid work week where wellbeing is prioritised. A well-designed work week will help you optimise your week, be more effective and feel better at the same time, so that you can enjoy your family and your life.

You can't achieve this without a great team and a great team needs a great leader. As a John Maxwell Team Certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker, Ivan offers tailored leadership workshops, seminars, keynote talks and executive coaching for leaders. Working together with Ivan on your personal and professional growth, he will guide you through proven leadership development methods to achieve the goals and objectives that are most important to you.

Ivan now uses his optimised week to learn new skills and play more golf. He started Executive Golfers Network in order to help like-minded business professionals and golf fanatics do the same. Ivan also plays cricket in summer for his local club where he is the club Treasurer.

There are plenty of benefits specific to learning the 15 Laws of Growth, such as:

The opportunity to participate in a growth environment
Being able to collaborate among like-minded peers
Incredible network expansion
Having a safe space to stretch beyond your boundaries
The chance to learn valuable skills, experiences, and connections

I will share all of this with you during our time together so that you can see if joining my webinar which starts soon is right for you and your life.

Hosted by:

Ivan Ang

Learn How To Reach Your Potential

I invite you to join me as I share John Maxwell’s tried and true principles of growth! During this webinar, I will reveal more about my upcoming mastermind on the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, explain the significance of the laws, and share techniques to help you achieve each law.

Through participating in this experience, you will gain an in-depth understanding of each one of John Maxwell’s 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. Self-awareness, building character, and mentoring others are just a few of the skills you will gain during our time together.

My personal goal for The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Information Session is to educate and empower you to work towards reaching your full potential and make positive differences in the lives of others. I want to help you tap into your unfulfilled potential!

Reaching your potential is a constant journey of discovery, growth, and insight which requires curiosity, consistency, and willingness to change. Once you jump on the growth bandwagon, success will be the only stop!

Can’t Wait To Share With You On Tuesday, November 28th At 10:00 am AEDT!